How To Look Natural In Wedding and Engagement Photos

The Basics of Natural Posing In Wedding and Engagement Photos

You'll hear a lot of photographers talk about how they capture "candid" moments, and most of the images they share are of couples holding hands and walking, or laughing while snuggling in the woods. Here's the truth: That's not candid, because the couple knew the photo was being taken. All those photos are POSED! So, posing doesn't have to be rigid or awkward. It can be fun, comfortable, natural, creative, or all of the above!

Oftentimes, couples haven't had real, organic-feeling photos taken of them. It's hard to get out of the "look-at-the-camera-and-smile" mindset that we've been conditioned to do every time we see someone point a camera at us! So, let's briefly review some of the basic rules of getting "unposed" pictures during your session or wedding.

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What do I do with my hands?

This one is often the first question that clients ask me at the beginning of the session, but they quickly learn that there are PLENTY of things you can do with those hands that look awesome in photos. The first step of every session is: Don't look directly into the camera unless I ask! 

The second step? Get close to your partner! Whether you're facing each other, one of you is behind the other, you're side-by-side, or any combination of those positions, get those arms around each other! Holding hands is a great first step, but make sure you're not standing 6 feet apart. When simply holding hands next to each other, snuggling up to an arm or gently pulling your partner close is a great move!

Pro Tip: It’s difficult to have your hands look gentle and natural when they’re stationary, so add some movement. While you’re standing there, feel free to gently pet, caress, or otherwise interact with your partner. It’ll look great and it almost always immerses you in the moment.

If you're facing each other, a good starting place is to "touch belly buttons." Not only is that entire idea kind of beautifully silly, but it's also a great reference for just how close you should be! Then, when you wrap your arms around each other, we need to find a happy middle ground. If your hands aren't wrapped far enough around, the photo may just look like an awkward middle school dance. However, if your arms are wrapped around your partner WAY too far, that position has the potential to bring on some hunched backs. So, get close to your partner, but keep it comfortable. Both of you should feel close enough to whisper to each other, but far enough to freely adjust your position and look at each other without going crosseyed!

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Where do I look?

Unless directed otherwise, here are some guidelines:

  • Staring directly into each others' eyes always looks intense. It's best to get your heads close together, nuzzle in, and stare somewhere close to your partner. Directing your eyes at their chin, shoulder, or elbow will give your eyelids a natural softness to them, and you won't look like you're in the middle of a life-changing staring contest! 

  • Keep the eyes looking in a 6-foot radius around your partner unless otherwise told. Looking at them? Awesome. Looking at where the wedding dress lies on the floor? Beautiful! Looking past them at a bird in the sky? Less cool. 😂

  • If your heads are really close together and you're nuzzlin' up a storm, just close your eyes! Let yourself be in that moment and give each other the freedom to laugh, smile, and otherwise relax! If your partner is hugging you from behind, you don't need to turn to look directly at them. As long as you're turning your head in their general direction, it'll look stunning!

Tips for Walking In Photos

I start almost every session off with some sort of motion-based prompt, just to warm up and get loose. In many cases, you two will be asked to walk back and forth in a beautiful spot of light! There are two simple tips for gorgeous and organic walking photos.

  • Look at each other, not the camera. I'll rarely tell the couple to kiss for a photo, but I'll never tell you not to! So, of course, that's free game too.

  • Bump hips! Not hard enough to knock your partner over, but enough to have fun! The "drunk" walk is a good one too, and it always makes for some lovely, genuine giggles as we warm-up for the session.

As always, you're gonna look awesome if you have fun, stay within your comfort zone, and communicate with your partner and me, the photographer! Guess what? My couples always look STUNNING! 👇

Want to look awesome in your photos, but don’t want photos that look like everyone else’s? Let’s chat, and make cool stuff together!


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